Weather Data Game-Changing for SA’s Farmers

We can’t control the weather, but we can change how we respond to it,” says Carina Olivier, Marketing Portfolio Lead: Ag-Tech and Services at WinField United South Africa. She explains that by using a METOS® weather station and associated software, farmers can develop highly effective and reliable plans to mitigate against negativity in the field.

Wineland media April edition article

Get Smart With Modern Technology On The Farm High-yield crop production is a priority in modern agriculture, and one of the keys to achieving this is effective crop protection. The success of spraying as a crop protection method is highly dependent on the quality of the spray and when it is applied. Bad timing could […]

Winfield Press Release

March 2023 METOS® SA and TerraClim collaborate to mitigate the risk of climate change Every business owner should better understand and monitor external factors that influence the success or failure of their business. So too, farmers need to understand the influences on their business, whether it be seed costs, infrastructure bottlenecks, market prices or load-shedding […]

Winelands media article March 2023

Smart farming in a changing world There is no doubt that the climate is changing. A report released by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change estimates that temperatures are about 1.0°C higher than in pre-industrial times and could climb by another 1.5°C by the early 2030s. A prediction that climate change could wipe […]

Climate Smart Agriculture Raisins SA Newsletter

Die Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) Projek is ‘n samewerking tussen Metos SA, TerraClim, Geosmart en die Centre for Geographical Analysis (CGA). Die twee laasgenoemde entiteite vorm deel van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch. Die CSA projek het sy oorsprong in die Wes-Kaap weens hierdie provinsie se komplekse terrein en die groot invloed daarvan op die verbouing van gewasse.


Daar word gesê dat die wêreld se mees waardevolle kommoditeit nie meer olie is nie, maar data. Alhoewel die ervaring en kundigheid wat oor geslagte oorgedra is ontsettend baie beteken, is dit te midde van klimaatsverandering, ‘n groeiende populasie en stygende insetkoste nie meer genoeg nie

Weerdata help boer met slim besluite

‘Data’ is deesdae ‘n gonswoord, maar sonder die regte platforms is dit onmoontlik om te weet wat om met die data te doen. Metos-weerstasies bied die oplossing met ’n platform wat die data kan ontleed om ’n boer meer insig te gee.
FieldClimate is die web- en selfoontoepassing waartoe ’n verbruiker gratis toegang kry saam met elke Metos-weerstasie wat gekoop word.

Meet, Monitor, METOS

Weer is die grootste element wat ‘n bydrae lewer tot plantegroei, pes- en siekte-ontwikkeling, besproeiingsbehoeftes, en dus op die ou end, opbrengs. Operasionele beplanning word gewoonlik gedoen gebaseer op ‘n normale seisoen. Die realiteit is egter dat “normaal” eintlik net ‘n stelling op ‘n wasmasjien is en ons nie weet wat die seisoen vir ons inhou nie.